Integrating Runkeeper with Day One via Slogger

May 8, 2013

(Updated March 23, 2014)

An annual exercise challenge rolled around again at my workplace, so naturally I found a project in it: Wondering if I could hook Runkeeper up to my Day One journal. The result: The Runkeeper plugin for Slogger

Getting up and running with the Runkeeper API was tricky; I never quite got the hang of passing parameters to it, which still puzzles me. When I figured it out, I put together a quick walkthrough for the API startup and posted it as a gist (Also embedded at the bottom of the post). The gist provides some instructions, but users new to Slogger plugins and working with API authentication may also want to check out Sven’s writeup that uses this method and includes a couple of additional screenshots.1

One note about configuring your Runkeeper application: The Runkeeper folks don’t want to appear to endorse any applications or have them potentially be confused for official Runkeeper services, so avoid identifying your app with anything that uses “Runkeeper” or “Health Graph” in its name or description to save yourself from receiving a polite email requesting you to make a change.

I built the Runkeeper plugin for Slogger with a fun option to save its data additionally to a text file. I plan to do some stats or plots or something with that data, perhaps akin to my fitbit visualization, one of these days.



    1. Note that per this long thread it’s still not always straightforward to figure out the last step in the API setup.