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Pretty Good Hat

Today I made improvements to some R code in my Destiny 2 hobby-coding-verse after learning how to much more cleanly deal with nested lists. I had previously used a solution using map() to apply a selector to each item in the list, but this was clunky, hard to remember, and became really hard to read with several levels of a nested list.

The far better solution is the unnest_auto function from {tidyr}, which I came upon when tinkering with the API data recently. Once I understood how it works, it’s so easy and satisfying! The key is to first make a named tibble.

> tibble(my_tibble = instanced)
# A tibble: 906 × 1
   <named list>     
 1 <named list [10]>
 2 <named list [10]>
 3 <named list [10]>
 4 <named list [10]>
 5 <named list [12]>
 6 <named list [10]>
 7 <named list [10]>
 8 <named list [10]>
 9 <named list [9]> 
10 <named list [9]> 
# … with 896 more rows

That nice tibble can be operated on by unnest_auto():

> tibble(my_tibble = instanced) %>% unnest_auto(my_tibble) %>%
select(itemLevel, breakerType)
Using `unnest_wider(my_tibble)`; elements have 8 names in common
# A tibble: 906 × 2
   itemLevel breakerType
       <int>       <int>
 1       132          NA
 2       133          NA
 3       133          NA
 4       132          NA
 5       133           3
 6       132          NA
 7       133          NA
 8       133          NA
 9         0          NA
10         0          NA
# … with 896 more rows

(I selected just a couple of columns for readability there; if you don’t do that, you’ll receive all fields at the current list level, including additional nested lists if they exist). After figuring this out, I realized that I also needed to keep the names of each list element, because they constitute a unique ID for the element returned from the API query, and I banged my head a bit on trying to do that as a part of the unnest operation, before I backed up, recentered on the outcome I wanted to produce, and realized I could do it really cleanly using mutate()! The final code looks like this:

> tibble(my_tibble = instanced) %>% unnest_auto(my_tibble) %>% 
select(itemLevel, breakerType) %>% mutate(id = names(instanced))
Using `unnest_wider(my_tibble)`; elements have 8 names in common
# A tibble: 906 × 3
   itemLevel breakerType id                 
       <int>       <int> <chr>              
 1       132          NA 6917529338105913753
 2       133          NA 6917529550016812142
 3       133          NA 6917529281178546429
 4       132          NA 6917529231127188610
 5       133           3 6917529301504642848
 6       132          NA 6917529234625200021
 7       133          NA 6917529193313832065
 8       133          NA 6917529182955737017
 9         0          NA 6917529417667489181
10         0          NA 6917529490520758715
# … with 896 more rows

The D2 API returns a ton of nested lists, so this simplified, accessible and effective tool is 100% getting a featured spot in my toolbox.