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Pretty Good Hat

Tag: shiny

Screenshot of a web application showing two items selected from a form field. They are circled in bright purple marker with an arrow pointing to them to draw the eye.

I finished a big update to Armorer this week, to enable inclusion of subclass fragments in stat calculations. I learned a ton with this release and laid good groundwork for additional mod management. I’m pretty pleased!

Super-pleased to see that a couple of small Shiny app improvements I made this weekend correctly picked up on some source data changes today and automatically handled them. Pretty cool!

I successfully made some small changes in a Shiny app to use the {pins} package to separate out a support file and data definitions from the app bundle itself. This lets me revise supporting information without needing to republish the app. It’s pretty cool! I’m excited to use the package lots more.

Sharing a quick tip that I’ve found useful while building with Shiny, recently: It’s handy to be able to save off the current state of a data set for bringing over to a scratch file. I made the download link appear only when running in my local environment. This way I can easily snapshot my in process data set for experimenting with visualization in my scratch file.

In ui.R:

    if(interactive()) {
      downloadLink("downloadData", "💾️ Download data set") 

And in server.R:

    output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() {
        paste("shiny-export_", Sys.Date(), ".csv", sep="")
      content = function(file) {
        write.csv(globaldata$armor, file)

Screenshot displaying rows of armor items and their stat values

Screenshot showing a scatterplot of stat values for a selected armor configuration

I’ve had a nice afternoon working on my hobby R/Shiny project, a loadout finder for the game Destiny 2. These improvements make it a lot more flexible and informative: It can now optionally include armor that would otherwise be filtered out of configurations by the minimum stat threshold, and it will show current mods used in displayed loadouts.

ArmoreR: A Destiny 2 Loadout Finder

A screenshot showing armor statistics for loadouts in Destiny 2

This revision of ArmoreR is really turning into something I’m happy with and proud of. I’ve learned so much since the very first iteration of this about a year ago. It’s really fun and rewarding to come back to it with a bunch of new expertise and make it much better in all ways, including a new approach to dealing with such a large amount of information.

a screenshot of a web application showing a table of statistics for a game character

Last fall I wrote a bit about a Destiny 2 power level tracking tool I built using R. I’ve now converted it to a full-on Shiny app and solved some issues with the oauth2 flow that stumped me in my intermittent tinkering with it. I’m super satisfied to have been able to get this to work! Now that I have the authentication process figured out, I’m eager to also convert my armor profiling tool to use it. Look out!

You can check it out here: traveleR